August 25, 2020

How to Help Protect Your Medical Records from Cybercriminals

Brian Acton
A stethoscope on laying on top of a graph paper.

Medical records are a prime target for cybercriminals, and data breaches are a frequent occurrence in the health care industry. These records are valuable because they may contain a large variety of personal information, including your name, address, insurance information, Social Security number (SSN) and medical history.

Medical records can be used to commit many types of identity theft, from opening fraudulent accounts to receiving medical treatment or prescription drugs in your name. While there’s no foolproof way to protect your medical records from data breaches, there are some things you can do to help protect your medical records and identity.

How to Help Protect Your Medical Information From Cybercriminals

1. Don’t Overshare Information with Medical Providers

If you have ever filled out a medical form at a doctor’s office, you know that they ask for an extensive amount of data, including your medical history, preexisting conditions and personally identifiable information.

While it’s important to give your medical providers a comprehensive view of your health, you should try not to overshare; the goal should be to minimize the amount of records containing sensitive information that can be used to commit identity theft.

Many standard forms ask for your SSN, address and insurance information; chances are, some medical providers don’t need this information, or they already have it from a previous visit. Ask the medical office if you need to provide personal information on a medical form before you fill it out.

Before you provide personal information on a website, look for how your data is protected and who it is being shared with. Read the privacy policy on the website.

2. Don’t Answer Unsolicited Requests

If you get an unsolicited email or phone call from someone who claims to be with your insurance company or medical provider, don’t immediately respond with personal information. The person on the other end of the communication may not be who they say they are. If you need to speak with your insurance company or medical provider, call them directly or log in to your medical portal yourself.

Don’t click any links or download any attachments in emails you weren’t expecting.

3. Review All Medical Documents

Carefully review your medical bills and the Explanation of Benefits provided by your insurance company. This can help you avoid getting charged for services that someone else received, and it can also help you identify services your insurance company should have covered.

Make sure to review everything mailed to you from your medical providers and insurance company for signs of suspicious activity.

4. Report Signs of Identity Theft

You should report any signs of identity theft to the appropriate parties – if the identity theft is medical in nature, you should report it to your insurance provider. You also may need to file a police report, notify the credit bureaus and monitor your credit report to look for fraudulent information.

Some red flags for identity theft include:

Medical records contain your health information and personal information that can be used to commit identity theft. Make sure you’re taking proactive steps to protect your identity and watching for signs that you’ve become a victim.