Meet Jake. He is a hard-working millennial who travels a lot for work to meet with clients, so he does not have a lot of free time. Jake has been an IdentityIQ member for more than three years, so he has piece of mind knowing IdentityIQ is monitoring his identity 24/7.
On March 29, after he got off the phone with his client, he received a possible suspicious activity alert for his personal data. IdentityIQ provides alerts in real time, so members can act fast if there is fraud.
Jake immediately went to his computer to get the full alert details. To his disbelief, he discovered not one, but two LLCs were opened in his name. These were filed in the state of Washington, but he lives in Texas. Since he has IdentityIQ services, he knew just what to do – call our expert Customer Care Team.
In the consultation call with our Customer Care Team and then Fraud Restoration Department, Jake was taken step by step through the identity recovery process. This includes contacting the three major credit bureaus for a fraud alert on his credit report, filing a police report with his local authorities, and riling a report with the Federal Trade Commission. He was also advised that his IdentityIQ plan included licensed power of attorney (LOPA), so the fraud restoration department can take the lead on his identity recovery and do all the hard work for him.
What is LPOA?
LOPA authorizes a trusted person to handle tasks related to identity theft recovery on your behalf. It can streamline the process and provide expertise when dealing with filings, legal matters, and more.
Since Jake’s career limits his time, the LPOA was a needed benefit, so he could let his dedicated restoration specialist take over his identity recovery.
Within the first consultation of LPOA services, IdentityIQ started a three-way call with multiple creditors, many of the ones that had hard inquiries listed on his credit report. We took it from there and discovered Jake had two businesses opened in his name. We filed with the State of Washington Public Records Department and spoke with a supervisor in the Attorney General’s office on Jake’s behalf. The supervisor told Jake’s dedicated restoration specialist that it can take up to 120 days to effectively remove the businesses and hard inquiries from Jake’s credit report. His dedicated restoration specialist did it in 28 days!
Another Identity Threat
During this filing of the dispute, Jake was attacked again. He had additional multiple hard inquiries flagged as fraudulent. IdentityIQ called the creditors to advise them of the fraud. Internal investigations were opened, the fraud account was halted, and a fraud alert was with the creditor institutions to block the identity thief if they tried to open new accounts in Jake’s name again. A credit freeze was also placed with the three major credit bureaus, so no new accounts can be opened unless Jack unfreezes his credit files.
IdentityIQ also filed with each state’s public records department to release liability on the fraudulent LLCs. This was followed by a request to redact all sensitive information from the LLCs from the eyes of the public.
The Successful Results
All fraudulent LLCs have been closed and the hard inquiries on the credit report have been removed. The freeze is still active on Jake’s credit files.
Jake said he is ecstatic with his IdentityIQ alerts and the service he received. Jake said while, unfortunately he has a scary story to tell, he uses his story to recommend IdentityIQ to his friends and family.
“IdentityIQ has been the absolute best in assisting me in recovering my identity,” Jake said. “They were so patient and so kind with all my questions and concerns. Thank you so much!”
Our Fraud Restoration Department is dedicated to helping support our members regain their identities, their lives, and their peace of mind.
Help protect yourself now and from future threats by signing up for IdentityIQ services!