Protect Your Identity

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  • Credit Reports & Scores
  • Identity Protection Monitoring
  • Dark Web & Internet Monitoring
  • $1 Million Identity Theft Insurance*
Get Protected Now Select Your Plan
1 in 4 Americans have reported being victims of identity theft¹
More than 1.5 billion personal records have been exposed in data breaches²
Cybercriminals are stealing more than $1.5 trillion globally each year³

Identity Theft and the Military

Credit and identity theft monitoring services are especially important for active-duty military members and their families. They can face a higher risk of identity theft and fraud. Make sure your family is protected!

Credit and identity theft monitoring services are especially important for active duty military members as they can face long deployments and a lower number of bank account transactions than average – making them prime targets for identity thieves. These thieves can use stolen personal and financial information to fraudulently claim military benefits; take out loans; open new credit cards; clone debit cards; change billing addresses; and obtain a new driver’s license or other forms of IDs. These fraudulent activities can adversely affect credit and finances for years. For military members, this means security clearance status and the ability to advance in rank can be negatively impacted as well. Don’t let identity thieves affect your finances and your future. Protect yourself today!

Why Do Thieves Steal Your Identity?

What would you do if your identity was stolen? Questions start to flood your mind, leading you down a path of trying to figure out how and where this could have happened and you can’t help but feel violated and insecure. The two questions we all end up having are: why did they steal my identity and more importantly what will they do with my identity? While it’s often difficult to make sense of why a criminal does something, we can help identify a few of the most common things criminals do with a stolen identity.

  • Open new credit cards in your name
  • Make fraudulent purchases
  • Log in to personal accounts (email, social media, bank, etc…)
  • Open new phone and utility accounts in your name
  • Clone your ATM or debit card
  • Change your billing address
  • Obtain a new driver’s license or official ID
  • Use your identity when questioned by police

IdentityIQ World Class Benefits

We use the most powerful and advanced tools to inform, alert and protect you from identity thieves.

Credit Reports & Scores

Get your complete credit outlook as well as insights into your credit report profile from all three credit reporting bureaus (TransUnion®, Experian™ and Equifax®).

Credit Monitoring

Monitoring can alert you to suspicious activity as well as to new accounts and other changes. Our U.S.-based customer service team of experts can assist you with questions if anything looks suspicious.

ID Theft Monitoring

Your identity goes beyond your credit report. We actively monitor your Social Security number, change-of-address notifications, international and national most-wanted lists, and for your information on the dark web.

Identity Theft Insurance

With up to $1 million in identity theft insurance that covers out-of-pocket expenses, lost wages, legal advice, and lost funds, you have financial peace of mind.*

Select Your Plan

IdentityIQ features provide you with peace of mind and a variety of plans that allow you to choose what best fits your needs.



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